I love this: Words mean nothing util we put them into action.
More Recovery Readings - 12/19 - Cyber Recovery Fellowship Forums - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help/Support: "NA Just For Today
December 19
Walking The Way We Talk
'Words mean nothing until we put them into action.'
Basic Text pg. 56
The Twelfth Step reminds us 'to practice these principles in all our affairs.' In NA, we see living examples of this suggestion all around us. The more experienced members, who seem to have an aura of peace surrounding them, demonstrate the rewards of applying this bit of wisdom in their lives."

Slogans are "wisdom in short-hand" for the 12 Step programs. But what do they mean? Let's blog on that. Visit the Walk Softly Slogan's site for free downloads.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
A book about God-incidences!!!
You might like this for someone who needs inspiration this Holiday season.
It Happened By Design » Blog Archive » It Happened By Design arrives at Amazon!: "I’m delighted to introduce my latest book, “It Happened By Design“, a series of God-incidence stories at Amazon.com. This is a compilation of stories by 30 authors of real-life events that have that element of divine intervention. A demonstration each case that God really does care what takes place in our lives and does simple things like help us find something that’s missing, right through to saving someone’s life."
It Happened By Design » Blog Archive » It Happened By Design arrives at Amazon!: "I’m delighted to introduce my latest book, “It Happened By Design“, a series of God-incidence stories at Amazon.com. This is a compilation of stories by 30 authors of real-life events that have that element of divine intervention. A demonstration each case that God really does care what takes place in our lives and does simple things like help us find something that’s missing, right through to saving someone’s life."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Yesterday's Tomorrow - Recovery Meditations For Hard Cases - Alcoholics Anonymous Books - Recovery, Addiction, & 12 Step Program Gifts
I like this idea in a meditation book!!!!!! Usually I only "highlight" my books but this is a great idea---
Yesterday's Tomorrow - Recovery Meditations For Hard Cases - Alcoholics Anonymous Books - Recovery, Addiction, & 12 Step Program Gifts: "Yesterday's Tomorrow - Recovery Meditations For Hard Cases - Alcoholics Anonymous Books
Item Number:
At last, a meditation book that shows why and, more importantly, how recovery works written in no-nonsense language by a 'hard case' who's been there -- and been there, and been there. Barry L. has been clean and sober for more than 14 years, but there was a time when his multiple trips through relapse, detox, and treatment made sobriety seem an impossibility."
Yesterday's Tomorrow - Recovery Meditations For Hard Cases - Alcoholics Anonymous Books - Recovery, Addiction, & 12 Step Program Gifts: "Yesterday's Tomorrow - Recovery Meditations For Hard Cases - Alcoholics Anonymous Books
Item Number:
At last, a meditation book that shows why and, more importantly, how recovery works written in no-nonsense language by a 'hard case' who's been there -- and been there, and been there. Barry L. has been clean and sober for more than 14 years, but there was a time when his multiple trips through relapse, detox, and treatment made sobriety seem an impossibility."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
a few slogans from this blog
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~: 11/2/08 - 11/9/08: "Thought to Consider . . .
Take a walk with God. He will meet you at the Steps.
* * *
F A I T H = Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him."
Take a walk with God. He will meet you at the Steps.
* * *
F A I T H = Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sobriety.TV | SOBRIETY TV Addiction recovery videos and movies
as good as slogans or better--check it out!!!!
Sobriety.TV | SOBRIETY TV Addiction recovery videos and movies: "Welcome! Thanks for visiting SOBRIETY TV! On our website, you can view hundreds of free movies about addiction recovery. Whether you are new to recovery or a veteran of sobriety, you will enjoy our beautiful films!"
Sobriety.TV | SOBRIETY TV Addiction recovery videos and movies: "Welcome! Thanks for visiting SOBRIETY TV! On our website, you can view hundreds of free movies about addiction recovery. Whether you are new to recovery or a veteran of sobriety, you will enjoy our beautiful films!"
101 Helpful Tips on How to Stay Clean and Sober
Here's a great site--they have a free book to download on how to stay sober. I haven't read the book, but will and get back to you!
101 Helpful Tips on How to Stay Clean and Sober: "1. Don’t underestimate your disease. Every single person does at first.
2. Take care of yourself spiritually. Be mindful of your connection to your higher power today.
3. Ignore the dismal relapse rates. You are creating your own success.
4. Make a zero tolerance policy with yourself concerning relapse. Don’t even allow your mind to go there.
5. Avoid fundamentalism, even in recovery. Rigid thinking and dogma can undermine your sobriety.
6. You are creating a life of recovery and you are responsible for ALL OF IT. Yes, others can help you. Their “help” is mere advice. It is up to you to recover."
101 Helpful Tips on How to Stay Clean and Sober: "1. Don’t underestimate your disease. Every single person does at first.
2. Take care of yourself spiritually. Be mindful of your connection to your higher power today.
3. Ignore the dismal relapse rates. You are creating your own success.
4. Make a zero tolerance policy with yourself concerning relapse. Don’t even allow your mind to go there.
5. Avoid fundamentalism, even in recovery. Rigid thinking and dogma can undermine your sobriety.
6. You are creating a life of recovery and you are responsible for ALL OF IT. Yes, others can help you. Their “help” is mere advice. It is up to you to recover."
Saturday, October 11, 2008
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~:
I love this site and their postings--
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~: 10/5/08 - 10/12/08: "AACRONYMS*~*~*
S P O N S O R = Sober Person Offering Newcomer Support Of Recovery.
*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
Under All Conditions
From: 'The Acid Test'
As we work the first nine Steps, we prepare ourselves for the adventure of a new life. But when we approach Step Ten we commence to put our AA way of living to practical use, day by day, in fair weather or foul. Then comes the acid test: can we stay sober, keep in emotional balance, and live to good purpose under all conditions?"
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~: 10/5/08 - 10/12/08: "AACRONYMS*~*~*
S P O N S O R = Sober Person Offering Newcomer Support Of Recovery.
*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
Under All Conditions
From: 'The Acid Test'
As we work the first nine Steps, we prepare ourselves for the adventure of a new life. But when we approach Step Ten we commence to put our AA way of living to practical use, day by day, in fair weather or foul. Then comes the acid test: can we stay sober, keep in emotional balance, and live to good purpose under all conditions?"
Friday, October 3, 2008
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~: 9/28/08 - 10/5/08
Such a colorful site and full of great slogan and good recovery thoughts!!! Go get a lift!
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~: 9/28/08 - 10/5/08: "Thought to Consider . . .
It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes
and to make amends for them.
H O W = Honest, Open, and Willing
*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
Hang Together Forever"
~*~AA Step Eleven~*~: 9/28/08 - 10/5/08: "Thought to Consider . . .
It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes
and to make amends for them.
H O W = Honest, Open, and Willing
*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
Hang Together Forever"
Monday, September 29, 2008
What You Should Focus on in Early Recovery from Addiction and Alcoholism
Although Patrick doesn't say "use slogans" he certainly uses them on an unconscious basis. I like this guys blog--he really is helpful and this is a great way to do service work. Vist his blog and seeif you don't agree
What You Should Focus on in Early Recovery from Addiction and Alcoholism: "First things first: physical detoxification is the baseline necessity to get started
Before you can start to focus on anything in recovery, you have to first get a clean body and a clear mind. This requires physical detox and total abstinence from mood and mind-altering chemicals. A couple of things to point out here:
1) For me (and a whole lot of other drug addicts and alcoholics), that means no booze, and no drugs. If you want to quit hard drugs and alcohol but continue to smoke Marijuana, then you are still hanging on to your addiction, and you probably won’t find much success if you try to go that route. Many have tried the Marijuana maintenance program and they all fail miserably. A drug is a drug."
What You Should Focus on in Early Recovery from Addiction and Alcoholism: "First things first: physical detoxification is the baseline necessity to get started
Before you can start to focus on anything in recovery, you have to first get a clean body and a clear mind. This requires physical detox and total abstinence from mood and mind-altering chemicals. A couple of things to point out here:
1) For me (and a whole lot of other drug addicts and alcoholics), that means no booze, and no drugs. If you want to quit hard drugs and alcohol but continue to smoke Marijuana, then you are still hanging on to your addiction, and you probably won’t find much success if you try to go that route. Many have tried the Marijuana maintenance program and they all fail miserably. A drug is a drug."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Power of Now
AA Recovery Web site A Slogan A Day From Turning Leaf Press Shelly Marshall Archives: "The Power of Now
My history has no power over me. It has value, but no power. My future has no power over me. It has value but no power. The only power of any importance in my life is the power of NOW. For now, I make the choices that define the value of what the past has taught me (or not) and the power to shape what will come to be. BE HERE NOW where the power is."
My history has no power over me. It has value, but no power. My future has no power over me. It has value but no power. The only power of any importance in my life is the power of NOW. For now, I make the choices that define the value of what the past has taught me (or not) and the power to shape what will come to be. BE HERE NOW where the power is."
How do you practice Tolerance?
Day Twenty-seven/8:00 PM
Each person you meet is in a specific stage of their life, a stage you may have passed through or not yet reached. Judging them by your standards and experience is therefore not only unfair, but could lead to unnecessary anger and frustration. (P 135, Alkiespeak)
I practice tolerance by putting up with
Those I’d like to put down.
Those I’d like to put down.
Excerpt from the Pocket Sponsor, By The
Hazelden author of ' Day By Day' & other Meditation Books
Hazelden author of ' Day By Day' & other Meditation Books
Daily Meditation Books
Hey, they have my first book listed...along with a lot of other really terrific books of daily meditations and recovery wisdom...I am honored.
Daily Meditation Books: "Day by Day
This updated best-selling meditation book uses concrete, current language to affirm the importance of maintain abstinence through changes in behavior. Daily meditations speak to a broad range of recovering people--suggesting actions and encouraging you to write down goals--ensuring a daily commitment to spiritual growth."
Daily Meditation Books: "Day by Day
This updated best-selling meditation book uses concrete, current language to affirm the importance of maintain abstinence through changes in behavior. Daily meditations speak to a broad range of recovering people--suggesting actions and encouraging you to write down goals--ensuring a daily commitment to spiritual growth."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Helpful Tools of Recovery - Recovery Crossroads - Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery Community
Here's a slick site that has a collection of sayings, one liners, as well as some pithy comments about what hey mean to recovery! check it out!
Helpful Tools of Recovery - Recovery Crossroads - Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery Community: "Some helpful suggestions - basic tools - to help you stay sober:
90 in 90. People who 'keep coming back' have a much better chance of recovering. We recommend 90 meetings in 90 days; try out lots of different meetings and fellowships.
'A drug is only an arm's-length away.' Slipping is really easy: a moment's inattention; wrong time, wrong place.
'A slip is the end of a process.' (Also: 'On the road to a slip, the first step is to get rid of your sponsor'; 'A slip occurs before you pick up.')
Abstinence. We can't get high if we don't pick up that first drug or drink. We've learned that using other drugs-- alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, poppers--can lead us back to crystal meth ('tina') or into other addictions. We believe in total abstinence: Using alcohol or drugs invariably triggers our addiction.
Acceptance. '...Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...' We can't fix everything--certainly not our addiction; we just had to calm down and accept that. And remind ourselves with the Serenity Prayer as needed.
Act as if. Also: 'Fake it till you make it.' Life is totally different when we're first getting sober-full of crazy feelings and fears, excitement and gratitude. When we don't know what to do in a certa"
Helpful Tools of Recovery - Recovery Crossroads - Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery Community: "Some helpful suggestions - basic tools - to help you stay sober:
90 in 90. People who 'keep coming back' have a much better chance of recovering. We recommend 90 meetings in 90 days; try out lots of different meetings and fellowships.
'A drug is only an arm's-length away.' Slipping is really easy: a moment's inattention; wrong time, wrong place.
'A slip is the end of a process.' (Also: 'On the road to a slip, the first step is to get rid of your sponsor'; 'A slip occurs before you pick up.')
Abstinence. We can't get high if we don't pick up that first drug or drink. We've learned that using other drugs-- alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, poppers--can lead us back to crystal meth ('tina') or into other addictions. We believe in total abstinence: Using alcohol or drugs invariably triggers our addiction.
Acceptance. '...Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...' We can't fix everything--certainly not our addiction; we just had to calm down and accept that. And remind ourselves with the Serenity Prayer as needed.
Act as if. Also: 'Fake it till you make it.' Life is totally different when we're first getting sober-full of crazy feelings and fears, excitement and gratitude. When we don't know what to do in a certa"
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Just Do it!
In the book "Meeting Wisdom" they have a saying I like, "Take a no BS approach to working this program." I like that. I believe in telling it like it is and doing the work--not spouting psycho babble and using therapy as a substitute for practicing principles. Many people think that the 12 steps are the work. But as Don P. from Colorado says, it's not.
The 12 steps are the preparation for doing the work. The real work is in reaching out to the still suffering alcoholic and addict. Service work is the foundation of our recovery. CDA's basic text says, "Chemcially Dependant Anonymous is founded on the principle that our common experience, of both the dependence and recovery, provides us with unique opportunities to help others like us, and in the act of helping, we ourselves stay clean and sober and growing. Therefore carrying the message is vital."
So working with others is our real work, something that we train ourselves to do by working the 12 steps.
Check out Shelly's Web site at www.day-by-day.org
The 12 steps are the preparation for doing the work. The real work is in reaching out to the still suffering alcoholic and addict. Service work is the foundation of our recovery. CDA's basic text says, "Chemcially Dependant Anonymous is founded on the principle that our common experience, of both the dependence and recovery, provides us with unique opportunities to help others like us, and in the act of helping, we ourselves stay clean and sober and growing. Therefore carrying the message is vital."
So working with others is our real work, something that we train ourselves to do by working the 12 steps.
Check out Shelly's Web site at www.day-by-day.org
David Zinke's Blog — Gaia Community
this guy has a lot of great quotes from recovery and he keeps putting themup there!
David Zinke's Blog — Gaia Community: "Quote for the day:
'The same heart beats in every human breast.'
__Mathew Arnold."
David Zinke's Blog — Gaia Community: "Quote for the day:
'The same heart beats in every human breast.'
__Mathew Arnold."
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More Recovery Readings - 7/30 - Cyber Recovery Fellowship Discussion Forums - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help/Support
I love the way this person uses his metaphors!!! Beautiful writing!
More Recovery Readings - 7/30 - Cyber Recovery Fellowship Discussion Forums - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help/Support: "Most of all, it is clear that God has had a plan for my usefulness in the world. Life for me is like one large tapestry, and I am but one thread in this magnificent work. It is not until I gained some distance from the tapestry that I began to see the importance of each individual thread. I am a part of this magnificent whole. I know that God continues to weave me into this tapestry. Each and every event in my life is but a small part of the thread that is my life. Do I have the vision to see the great tapestry that God weaves?
Petitions to my Higher Power"
More Recovery Readings - 7/30 - Cyber Recovery Fellowship Discussion Forums - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help/Support: "Most of all, it is clear that God has had a plan for my usefulness in the world. Life for me is like one large tapestry, and I am but one thread in this magnificent work. It is not until I gained some distance from the tapestry that I began to see the importance of each individual thread. I am a part of this magnificent whole. I know that God continues to weave me into this tapestry. Each and every event in my life is but a small part of the thread that is my life. Do I have the vision to see the great tapestry that God weaves?
Petitions to my Higher Power"
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Another Day Sober
I thought this was a cool slogan "always say yes". It isn't in the book "walk softly, but it will be in the next edition!
Another Day Sober: "Always Say 'Yes'
I was taught to always say 'yes' to an AA request. So, when my down-the-block neighbor called me last night to ask if I would take him to a meeting today, I said 'sure.' I am not entirely sure I can actually fit it into the other obligations I have today, but it just about fits and so that is good enough.
What's funny is that I did not plan to go to a meeting today, although I had already decided I 'ought to go to more meetings.' Then comes this call."
Another Day Sober: "Always Say 'Yes'
I was taught to always say 'yes' to an AA request. So, when my down-the-block neighbor called me last night to ask if I would take him to a meeting today, I said 'sure.' I am not entirely sure I can actually fit it into the other obligations I have today, but it just about fits and so that is good enough.
What's funny is that I did not plan to go to a meeting today, although I had already decided I 'ought to go to more meetings.' Then comes this call."
Monday, July 21, 2008
AA Recovery Web site A Slogan A Day From Turning Leaf Press Shelly Marshall Archives
AA Recovery Web site A Slogan A Day From Turning Leaf Press Shelly Marshall Archives: "The Power of Now
My history has no power over me. It has value, but no power. My future has no power over me. It has value but no power. The only power of any importance in my life is the power of NOW. For now, I make the choices that define the value of what the past has taught me (or not) and the power to shape what will come to be. BE HERE NOW where the power is."
The rest of my comment on the Power of Now is at Turning Leaf
My history has no power over me. It has value, but no power. My future has no power over me. It has value but no power. The only power of any importance in my life is the power of NOW. For now, I make the choices that define the value of what the past has taught me (or not) and the power to shape what will come to be. BE HERE NOW where the power is."
The rest of my comment on the Power of Now is at Turning Leaf
Slogans and Sayings
Slogans and Sayings
Here's a nice site with a few good ones--even a few that are not in "walk softly and carry a big book."
Here's a nice site with a few good ones--even a few that are not in "walk softly and carry a big book."
Let's blog on slogans!!!
Old timers in recovery say that slogans are actually wisdom in shorthand. Some folks say that slogans are a form of bumper sticker recovery!
I say, that slogans can be a way to remind me of the truth--because their is a kernel of truth in each slogan that catches on... it helps me focus--slogans keep me on track. What about you?
In early recovery I used to chant "turn it over" and write down everything on a notepad that I needed to turn over. It was so hard, but saying the slogan helped immensely. then one day like a bolt of lightening, I realized I didn't need to write each thing down because it was a package deal--everything need to be handled by my Higher Power. Somehow I had missed that in my note taking, turning over areas of my life independent of each other.
Slogans have been a blessing in my recovery, that's why I write books about them. How have slogans' added to your recovery? I'd like to know.
I say, that slogans can be a way to remind me of the truth--because their is a kernel of truth in each slogan that catches on... it helps me focus--slogans keep me on track. What about you?
In early recovery I used to chant "turn it over" and write down everything on a notepad that I needed to turn over. It was so hard, but saying the slogan helped immensely. then one day like a bolt of lightening, I realized I didn't need to write each thing down because it was a package deal--everything need to be handled by my Higher Power. Somehow I had missed that in my note taking, turning over areas of my life independent of each other.
Slogans have been a blessing in my recovery, that's why I write books about them. How have slogans' added to your recovery? I'd like to know.
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